牛津词典2019年度词汇:气候紧急状态( climate emergency )

  The Oxford Dictionaries listed the “climate emergency” as the 2019 annual vocabulary, which was selected from a list of all environmentally relevant vocabulary candidates, including “climate action”. (climate action), “climate denial” (denying climate change), “eco-anxiety” (ecological anxiety), “extinction” (extinction) and “flight shame” (flight shame).

《牛津词典》(Oxford Dictionaries)将“climate emergency”(气候紧急状态)列为2019年年度词汇,它是从一份全部同环境有关的词汇候选名单中选出的,其中还包括“climate action”(气候行动)、“climate denial”(否认气候变化)、“eco-anxiety”(生态焦虑)、“extinction”(灭绝)和“flight shame”(飞行羞辱)。

  The standard for annual vocabulary is to select “a word or expression that reflects the social atmosphere, mood or focus of the past year and may have lasting cultural significance”. Recent vocabulary includes “toxic” (toxic), “youthquake” (youthquake), “post-truth” (post-truth) and “vape” (e-cigarette).


  Often, the shortlist includes a variety of vocabulary that reflect new trends in language use. Katherine Connor Martin, editor of Oxford Dictionary, said that although the choice of these terms is often political, the unusual decision to focus on climate-related vocabulary reflects The language of the climate is “significantly upgraded”.

  通常情况下,候选名单包括各种反映语言使用新趋势的词汇。《牛津词典》编辑凯瑟琳·康纳·马丁(Katherine Connor Martin)表示,尽管这些词汇的选择往往带有政治色彩,但将重点放在与气候相关的词汇上这一不同寻常的决定,反映出围绕气候的语言“明显升级”。

  “When we look at the evidence, it’s clear that climate-related issues ran through all the different vocabulary we studied,” she said. “This reflects that in 2019, this was a real concern in the English-speaking world.”


  According to data collected by Oxford Corpus, a database of hundreds of millions of written English words, the use of the term “climate emergency” has increased 100-fold since 2018. In fact, “climate” is the combination that most often appears with “emergency” and is three times the second most common “health emergency”.

  根据包含数亿书面英语单词的数据库——牛津语料库(Oxford Corpus)收集的数据,自2018年以来,“气候紧急状态”一词的使用增加了100倍。事实上,“气候”是与“紧急状态”最常出现在一起的组合,是第二常见的“健康紧急状态”的三倍。

  Martin pointed out that this reflects to some extent the deliberation of some news organizations, including The Guardian, who decided to use the “climate emergency” or “climate crisis” instead of “climate change” to better. The urgency of conveying the situation.

  马丁指出,这在一定程度上反映了包括《卫报》(The Guardian)在内的一些新闻机构的深思熟虑,它们决定用“气候紧急状态”或“气候危机”而不是“气候变化”来更好地传达形势的紧迫性。

  Martin said that Oxford has chosen a list of all vocabulary-related vocabularies, not waiting for a deliberate, media-like decision to attract attention, but an interpretation of lexicographical evidence, even though Interpretation must be subjective.


  “When we consider all the possibilities, we do find that there is a narrative throughout the year that is built around vocabulary related to ecological issues,” she said.



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