
Section 1 English-Chinese Translation (50 points)

Translate the following two passages into Chinese.

Passage 1

You’ve temporarily misplaced your cell phone and anxiously retrace your steps to try to find it. Or perhaps you never let go of your phone—it’s always in your hand, your pocket, or your bag, ready to be answered or consulted at a moment’s notice. When new models come out, you feel bad about saying goodbye to your electronic pal. And when your battery life runs down at the end of the day, you feel that yours is running low as well. New research shows that there’s a psychological reason for such extreme phone dependence: According to the attachment theory perspective, for some of us, our phone serves the same function as the teddy bear we clung to in childhood.

Attachment theory proposes that our early life experiences with the major figures responsible for our well-being, namely parents or other caregivers, are at the root of our connections to the adults with whom we form close relationships. Importantly, attachment in early life can extend to inanimate objects. Teddy bears, for example, serve as what the attachment theorist D.W. Winnicott calls “transitional objects.” The teddy bear, unlike the parent, is always there. When children can’t be with their parents, they can still be with their teddy bear. These stuffed animals also serve as a transition between dependence and independence when young children begin to develop a separate sense of self. We extend our dependence on caregivers to these animals, and use them to help us move to greater autonomy and an independent sense of self.

A cell phone has the potential to be a “compensatory attachment” object. Although phones are often castigated for their addictive potential, scientists cite evidence that supports the idea that “healthy, well-functioning adults also report significant emotional attachment to special objects”.

Indeed, cell phones have become a pervasive feature of our lives: The number of cell phone subscriptions exceeds the total population of the planet. The average amount of mobile or smartphone use in the U.S. is 3.3 hours per day; young adults (ages 18 to 24) report 5.2 hours on an average day. People also like to be near their phones: A 2013 survey reports that 79 percent of users keep their phones with them for all but two of their waking hours. Nearly as many people report being distressed when they’re separated from their phone.(选自 mtizt.com注)


Passage 2

Many countries have adopted the principle of sustainable development, it can combat environment deterioration in air quality, water quality and production in developing countries. Health education serves as a viable role for every member in the world. But some argue that it’s a vague idea, some organizations may use it in its own interests, whether environmental or economic is the nature of interests. Others argue that sustainable development in developing countries overlook the local customs, habitude and people.

Whereas interdependence is desirable during times of peace, war necessitates competition and independence. Tariffs and importation limits strengthen a country’s economic vitality while potentially weakening the economies of its enemies. Moreover, protectionism in the weapons industry is highly desirable during such circumstances because reliance on another state for armaments can be fatal.

For the most part, economists emphasize the negative effects of protectionism. It reduces international trade and raises prices for consumers. In addition, domestic firms that receive protection have less incentive to innovate. Although free trade puts uncompetitive firms out of business, the displaced workers and resources are ultimately allocated to other areas of the economy.

Imposing quotas is a method used to protect trade, since foreign companies cannot ship more products regardless of how low they set their prices. Countries that hope to help a new industry thrive locally often impose quotas on imported goods. They believe that such restrictions allow entities in the new industry to develop their own competitive advantages and produce the products efficiently. Developing countries often use this argument to justify their restrictions on foreign goods.

Protectionism’s purpose is usually to create jobs for domestic workers. Companies that operate in industries protected by quotas hire workers locally. Another disadvantage of quotas is the reduction in the quality of products in the absence of competition from foreign companies. Without competition, local firms are less likely to invest in innovation and improve their products and services. Domestic sellers don’t have an incentive to enhance efficiency and lower their prices, and under such conditions, consumers eventually pay more for products and services they could receive from foreign competitors. As local companies lose competitiveness, they become pressured to outsource jobs. In the long run, increasing protectionism commonly leads to layoffs and economic slowdown.(选自 mtizt.com注)


Section 2 Chinese-English Translation (50 points)

Translate the following two passages into English.

Passage 1


中医药在历史发展进程中,兼容并蓄、创新开放,形成了独特的生命观、健康观、疾病观、防治观,实现了自然科学与人文科学的融合和统一,蕴含了中华民族深邃的哲学思想。随着人们健康观念变化和医学模式转变,中医药越来越显示出独特价值。中医药与西医药优势互补,相互促进,共同维护和增进民众健康,已经成为中国医疗卫生体制的重要特征和显著优势。(选自2016《中国的中医药》白皮书 mtizt.com注)


Passage 2


中国作为世界上最大的发展中国家,任何时候都是维护世界粮食安全的积极力量。尽管中国农业进一步发展面临不少困难,但我们仍将不懈努力,用行动来兑现诺言,主要依靠自己的力量解决好吃饭问题。我们愿与世界各国携手奋进,共同创造一个无饥饿、无贫困、可持续发展的世界。(选自2014年李克强在联合国粮农组织的演讲 mtizt.com注)




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  1. 您好,请问这个真题答案可以共享吗?若可以,请发至我邮箱,可以吗?

  2. 我的天 ,我就看了第一篇,好多地方翻译的都是错的啊。。。这都能上

    1. 我还在想难道是简易?第一段英译中好多漏掉的,我还以为是简译,知道我看到中文里面医生名字都没出现。

  3. 有些地方虽有漏译,但这位译者的文字功底确实不容置否,在文义传达方面处理地恰当得体,值得学习!


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