
Part I Translate the following terms or senlences (30)

I. From English to Chinese: (15)

1.    lifetime achievement:终身成就奖;终生成就

2.    lyric poem:抒情诗

3.    compulsive reader:乐于读书的人

4.    hardback:精装书;精装本

5.    Centennial Nobel Peace Prize: 诺贝尔百年和平奖

6.   apartheid:南非种族隔离政策

7.    archways of triumph:凯旋门

8.    UNICEF:联合国儿童基金会(United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund)

9.    World Food  Program:联合国世界粮食计划署

10.    Dr. Henry Kissinger:美国前国家安全顾问基辛格

11.    to live up to its obligations:履行义务

12.    preliminary meeting:筹备会议

13.    panel discussion:小组讨论

14.    courtesy visit:礼节性访问

15.    Notre Dame in Paris:巴黎圣母院

II. From Chinese into English: (15)

1.简明扼要:be concise and to the point;short and concise;

2. 博大精深:broad and profound;extensive and profound

3. 儒家:Confucianism; the Confucianists; the Confucians

4.诸子百家:all classes of authors;Hundred Schools of Thought

5.天下兴亡 匹夫有责:Every man has a duty to his country.; Everybody is responsible for the fate of his country

6.民为邦本:The people are the foundation of the state .

7. 民贵君轻:The people are more important than the ruler .

8. 温饱: subsistence

9.小康:moderate prosperity

10.阁下:Your Excellency

11.作为贵国人民的友好使者:as an envoy of friendship of your people; As am envoy of friendship of your people

12.提议祝酒:propose a toast

13.“走出去”战略:”going out” strategy ; “Going Global”strategy

14.应运而生:emerge as the times require

15.弘扬中国文化:popularize Chinese culture

Part II Translate the following passages (120)

I.From English into Chinese. (60)


Eating 30 Percent Less Meat Good for Health, Planet

Cutting meat production and consumption by 30 percent would help to reduce carbon emissions and improve health in the most meat-loving nations, scientists said on Wednesday.

Using prediction models, British and Australian researchers found that improving efficiency, increasing carbon capture and reducing fossil fuel dependence in farming would not be enough to meet emissions targets.

But combin ing these steps with a 30 percent reduction in livestock production in major meat-producing nations and a s imilar cut in meat-eating, would lead to “substantial population health benefits” and cut emissions, they said.

The study found that in Britain, a 30 percent lower intake of animal-source saturated fat by adults would reduce the number of premat ure deaths from heart disease by some 17 percent — equivalent to 18,000 premature deaths averted in one year.(141 words)




United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)

The States Parties to this Convention,

Bearing in mind the broad objectives in the resolutions adopted by the sixth special session of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the establishment of a New International Economic Order,

Considering that the development of international trade on the basis of equality and mutual benefit is an important element in promoting friendly relations among States,

Being of the opinion that the adoption of uniform rules which govern contracts for the international sale of goods and take into account the different social, economic and legal systems would contribute to the removal of legal barriers in international trade and promote the development of international trade.

HAVE DECREED as follows:(126 words)


II.    From Chinese Into English: (60)






鱼,我所欲也;熊掌,亦我所欲也。二者不可得兼,舍鱼而取熊掌者也。生,亦我所欲也;义,亦我所欲也。二者不可得兼,舍生而取义者也。 (60 字)(选自《孟子·告子上·鱼我所欲也》 双语地址  mtizt.com注)



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