
I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively.

I. From English to Chinese: (15)

1 .Economic dynamics:动态经济学;经济调度

2. Nuclear proliferation:核扩散

3. International reserve currencies:国际储备货币

4. Stoop labor:弯腰劳动

5. Head the ball home:头球破门

6. Herd capacity:放牧能力

7. Wear and tear:损耗;磨损

8. Machtpolitik:强权政治

9. Rotating EU presidency:欧盟轮值主席国

10. Anti-depressant:抗抑郁剂

11,Brain exchange:人才交换

12. Ready-made card:现成的贺卡

13. Nitric acid:硝酸

14. Ethical issue:伦理问题

15. The human genome race

II. From Chinese into English: (15)

1.转基因作物:genetically modified crops


3.核心竞争力:core competence

4.领事裁判权:consular jurisdiction

5.亚运会:the Asian Games

6,杂交水稻:hybrid rice

7.无息贷款:interest-free loan

8. 裁军:disarmament

9.联合国维和活动:UN’s peacekeeping activities

10.因病返贫:illness-related poverty

11.电视现场直播:live TV broadcast

12. 鞭炮:firecrackers


14.隔热层:insulating layer; heat insulating layer

15.治疗性克隆:therapeutic cloning

Part II Translate the following passages (120)

I. From English to Chinese (40)


“It’s like the facts of life talk with our kids; no one wants to have it, but you have to do it,” says Eleanor Blayney, consumer advocate for the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards. “People worry that if they sit down with Mom or Dad, it will be awkward or difficult. But it’s important to open up about your goals and aspirations, and then ask people in the family what their situation is. You model the conversation by sharing where you are.”
Conversely, Blayney says these meetings may go “one generation up,” where the needs of aging parents or grandparents get discussed. That gets tricky for many, as three out of four Americans have never discussed long-term care with their loved ones, according to Genworth’s 2011 Financial Reality Check Study.

If that subject is on the agenda, “Be straightforward and don’t take family members by surprise,” says Genworth national spokesperson Wendy Boglioli. “Tell your family that you have something important you want to talk about and do it in a comfortable, pleasant setting.”

“With elder parents, you have to ask them if they need some help with living expenses, medical expenses, all sorts of things,” adds Bob Stammers, head of investor education for the CFA Institute, a global nonprofit of investment professionals from more than 100 countries. “Some people don’t like to talk about it, and so you have to come at it from the heart. The older generation doesn’t like to admit they need some help.”(选自路透社报道 Families talk turkey at Thanksgiving financial meetings  mtizt.com注)

“这有点像跟孩子讨论性知识,没人想这样,但你必须得做。” 注册金融策划师标准委员会的消费者权益倡导者埃莉诺•布莱尼说道。“人们担心坐下来和父母谈话很尴尬很艰难。但是坦诚地说出目标和愿望很重要,之后询问一下家人的近况。和他人分享你的境况可以引导谈话。”




Source Text 2. (20 分)

Singer Chris Walton is better known by her stage name “The Dutchess” in US states Nevada and California. But her voice is far from the first thing you would notice if you bumped into her in the street.The 45-year-old woman has the world’s longest fingernails. She stopped cutting them 18 years ago, and now her nails have now reached an incredible 20 feet.The bizarre nails curl in all directions – yet the mother of five cooks and cleans, and can even play the piano and use a computer.Her amazing dedication to her nails has been officially recognised by the 2012 edition of the Guinness Record Book. She painted them a dazzling gold to celebrate. (117 words)


Sourcc Text 3 (30 分)





遂烹彘也。(130字)(选自《韩非子》 mtizt.com注)




Source Text 4 (30 分)

当今中国仍面临着实现工业化的任务,那么,如何利用和借鉴日本的工业化 技术和经验来加快中国工业化, 就成为我国发展对日关系的根本利益所在。而日 本也需要从中国的快速经济增长和充满活力的改革中获益, 这又成为日本发展对 华关系的根本利益所在。 中日两国有着各自的生产要素优势,如劳动力、土地、技术、资金,管理等, 发展中日经济合作可以促使两国各自优势的活力竞相迸发, 这也是发展中日经贸 关系的根本目的之所在。(195字)




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