
Part I. Lexical Translation (30 points, 60 minutes)

Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively.  (60′)

1. tertiary industry

2. plenary session

3. water-driven celestial globe 

4. improvement of civic morality

5. thermal reactor

6. gear reducer

7. General Assembly

8. public servants

9. taxi stand

10. to ask for a floor

11. diplomatic immunities

12. first-aid station

13. civil engineer

14. peaceful evolution

15. International Chamber of Commerce

16. 西藏酥油茶















Part II. Text Translation (120 points, 120 minutes)

Directions: Translate the following source texts into their target languages respectively. If the source text is in English, its target language is Chinese. If the source text is in Chinese, its target language is English. (120 ’)

Source Text 1:

Bom in the trough of the Great Depression, Edmund Phelps, a professor at Columbia University who this week won the Nobel Prize for economics, has spent much of his intellectual life studying slumps of a different kind. The Depression, which cost both of his parents their jobs, was exacerbated by the monetary authorities, who kept too tight a grip on the money supply. Mr. Phelps is interested in unemployment that even open-handed central bankers cannot cure.

Most scholars stand on the shoulders of giants. But Mr Phelps won his laurels in part for kicking the feet from under his intellectual forerunners. In 1958 William Phillips, of the London School of Economics, showed that for much of the previous hundred years, unemployment was low in Britain when wage inflation was high, and high when inflation was low. Economists were quick—too quick—to conclude that policymakers therefore faced a grand, macroeconomic trade-off, embodied in the so-called “Phillips curve”. They could settle for unemployment of, say, 6% and an inflation rate of 1%—as prevailed in America at the start of the 1960s—or they could quicken the economy, cutting unemployment by a couple of percentage points at the expense of inflation of 3% or so—which is roughly how things stood in America when Mr Phelps published his first paper on the subject in 1967.

In such a tight labour market,companies appease workers by offering higher wages. They then pass on the cost in the form of dearer prices,cheating workers of a higher real wage. Thus policymakers can engineer lower unemployment only through deception. But “man is a thinking, expectant being,” as Mr. Phelps has put it Eventually workers will cotton on,demanding still higher wages to offset the rising cost of living.

Source Text 2:

喝茶人在茶中追求“闲”。熙熙攘攘的人世,问问扰扰的争执,疲惫不 堪的劳累,戕害人的精神和身体。一杯清茗,与外在喧嚣的人世拉开距离。 品茶时,心灵如夜阑风静的湖面,月光照彻,一片澄明。小小的茶碗,荡开 了一片广阔的天地。

喝茶人还讲究一个“敬”字,中国民间有敬茶的习俗。客人来了,无论 是渴还是不渴,都要泡上一杯茶,表达一份敬心。一杯香茗暂留客,喝着这 茶,神清气爽。文人们以汗液客来茶当酒为胜境,有的地方还流行迎客、留 客、祝福三道茶的习俗。在敬茶中,既体现出中国人好客的传统,也体现出待客敬心的精神。


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