

1) CEO

2) CPI

3) FBI

4) BBC

5) IOC

6) MPA


8) Mafia

9) Easter


11) Dinks

12) Santa Clause

13) global warming

14) General Assembly

15) Engel’s Coefficient


1) 黑客

2) 北极

3) 丝绸之路

4) 人力资源

5) 信息高速公路

6) 翻译标准

7) 欧盟

8) 证券交易所

9) 第三产业

10) 多极化趋势

11) 改革开放政策

12) 合法权益

13) 宏观经济模式

14) 归化(翻译)

15) 经济技术开发区


(1) Parents and students of the Class of 2005: Good afternoon and welcome to Stanford University. Today, we celebrate the arrival of 1717 new freshmen and transfer students.

I have struggled with the format of this Convocation and the content of this speech for the past ten days. Since the morning of Sept. 11, the campus has been uncommonly quiet. Except for two memorial services, all major events were canceled. As we considered how to start a new academic year, we decided that a Convocation was, in fact, the most fitting way to resume our normal activities.

Students, you represent our best hope for the future and for peace in our world. Americans and good-hearted people of all ages throughout the world will mourn this tragedy and carry the memory of that terrible day in their hearts. But it is your generation — more so than mine or your parents,— that will face the challenge of building a world in which such inhuman acts can never again occur.

(2) Companies now realize that viruses aren’t “urban myth”, and can be a serious impact on their operations. They invest in anti-virus software on the desktops, servers and email gateways and even put in place procedures to ensure their anti-virus is up-to-date with the very latest detection routines.

It sounds like companies have put in place adequate defenses to protect against viruses. But have they?

Anti-virus software must be updated regularly, preferably daily in any large company. Even then, a very new virus can infect your users. With the rapid transmission of files through networks and the Internet, a virus can spread a considerable distance before it can be identified and protected against. Fortunately, only a few viruses ever do this but the likes of Melissa and the Love Bug can inflict serious damage before their progress is stopped. While employees become suddenly aware during the ensuring media excitement, they soon forget about the virus threat as the stories disappear from the news headlines.


(1) “知足者常乐”这是一种回避现实、激流勇退的消极心理。其实我们每时每刻都 在设计自己的拥有、物欲的追求和精神的享受。然而现实总与设想存在一段距离,让我 们不能如愿以偿。虽然在我们的人生旅程中,有很多缠绕终生而不能兑现的愿望,但是, 如果没有现实与理想的距离让我们去追求,我们就会失去人生的方向。

(2) 当夜幕无声地落下,将一切远山近景从你的视野里抹去的时候;当热闹的晚会结束, 欢声笑语已经消逝时候,什么都没有留下,只有思想还在活动。你能清楚道地感觉到, 这便是宁静。在宁静的氛围里,你的思想有了自由驰骋的空间,你可以细心坐下梳理你 的思绪,检讨你的过失。



真题来自互联网 短语翻译答案由mtizt.com提供

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