
I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. There are altogether 30 items in this part of the test, 15 in English and 15 in Chinese, with one point for each. (30 points)


2. IMF

3. CPI 

4. WHO

5. Secretariat

6. Non-alignment

7. Debt relief

8. Feasibility study

9. Foreign exchange reserve

10. Virtual economy

11. Fiscal revenue

12. Non-performing loans

13. Ministerial meeting

14. Juvenile delinquency

15. Millennium Development Goals

16. 汇率

17. 专利

18. 扶贫

19. 反倾销

20. 领土完整

21. 和谐社会

22. 和平共处

23. 国有企业

24. 宏观调控

25. 关税壁垒

26. 社会福利

27. 尾气排放

28. 环境恶化

29. 贸易自由化

30. 环境友好型社会

II. Directions: Translate the following two source texts into their target language respectively. (120 points)

Source Text 1:

Today, the British state is borrowing one pound for every four it spends. Our Budget deficit is set to overtake Greece. If we don’t deal with this, there will be no growth, there will be no recovery. It will be undercut by rising interest rates, rising inflation, falling confidence and the prospect of higher taxes. Getting the deficit down and keeping it down will help to restrain inflationary pressures, allow interest rates to remain lower for longer and create the space for private sector investment. So dealing with this deficit is not an alternative to economic growth – the two go hand-in-hand. What’s more, without sound finances, none of our ambitions will be deliverable. That’s why – in just the first two weeks of this Government – we have changed the way Budgets are written forever by creating an independent Office of Budget Responsibility and we have launched and completed an in-year spending review to save ?6 billion of public spending. But much more still needs to be done. So on 22nd June, we will have an emergency Budget, setting out how we will cut the bulk of our deficit over the course of this Parliament, giving this country what it has been desperately lacking – a credible plan to live within its means. There are difficult choices ahead. But they are unavoidable – and it’s the same for our international partners. Almost every country in Europe faces the same challenge – to reduce deficits in order to help restore sustainable growth. We are in this together – and we are agreed on the way forward. We are determined – along with our European partners, and our international partners in the G20 – to ensure there is a return to more balanced growth and that we address the massive imbalances which played such a significant part in the recent economic crisis. And for Britain, the prize of turning our economy around is this: well-paid jobs, rising living standards, the sense that each year we are providing more for our families and moving forward as a country. (337 words)

Source Text 2:

亚洲地区经济增长的势头将保持下去。我们有理由这样乐观,但我们 也应警示自己:以往的经历表明,经济增长不能视为理所当然,它需要呵 护、努力,才能确保实现。有些指导性原则,我们都要遵守,以确保经济 能够持续增长和繁荣。

首先,本地区各国必须始终不渝地致力于开放贸易和投资政策。国际 货币基金组织的事例足以说明,最成功的国家是那些奉行开放贸易和投资 第 3 页 政策的国家。中国自己的发展(GDP 在过去 25 年中增长了 5 倍)源于 70 年代末中国领导人做出的开放决定。其次,亚洲地区各成员国需要不断地 进行内部改革。这对于高度发达的国家和不太发达的国家同样适用。第三, 亚洲绝不应成为一个向内看的地区,我们生活在一个全球化的经济环境下, 未来永远都是这样。(303 words)



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