
I. 词语翻译(每小题1分,共30题,共30分)


1) CPI:居民消费价格指数(Consumer Price Index)

2) FAO:联合国粮食与农业组织(Food and Agriculture Organization)

3) CEO :首席执行官(Chief Executive Officer)

4) PDF:可移植文档格式(Portable Document Format);Adobe的可移植文档格式文件的扩展名

5) EU:欧盟(European Union)

6) UFO:不明飞行物(Unidentified Flying Object)

7) SINOPEC:中石化;中国石油化工集团公司

8) FDA:美国食品药物管理局(Food and Drug Administration)

9) MI

10) Scotland Yard:苏格兰场(伦敦警察厅)

11) International Date Line:国际日界线

12) NBA:美国职业篮球联赛(National Basketball Association)

13) CNN:美国有线电视新闻网(Cable News Network)

14) SMS:短信(Short Message Service)

15) IELTS:雅思(International English Language Testing System)


1)华氏温度:degree Fahrenheit

2)美国梦:American Dream

3)群众路线:mass line

4)硬道理:top priority ; absolute principle

5) 以人为本:people oriented; people foremost; Put People First

6) 小康社会:a moderately prosperous society; well-off society

7) 知识产权:intellectual property

8) 食品安全:food safety ; food security

9) 橙色预警:orange alert

10) 二维码:two-dimensional code

11) 贫困线以下:below the poverty line

12) 综合国力:comprehensive national strength ; comprehensive national power

13) 中央领导集体:central collective leadership

14) 智囊团:think tank

15) 世界多样化:World’s Diversification


II. 英汉互译(共120分) 1.将下列短文译成汉语。(60分)

A Lesson from Housing Bubble

Before we replace angst about housing, mortgages and credit markets with anxiety about rising oil prices, consider what we’ve learned in the past several months. We had a housing bubble; that’s now obvious. But how did it happen? Why was its bursting so painful? Without answers, we can’t hope to reduce chances of a repeat.

Boil it down to the three reasons: rocket scientists, regulators, and ratings agencies.

The rocket scientists are the wizards of Wall Street who invented securities that supposedly dispersed risk widely but actually created much more leverage than proved wise.

In a modem capitalist system, regulators provide guardrails to keep markets from driving the economy off a cliff. The regulators failed. Whether regulators should or could have restrained innovation on Wall Street or prohibited business deals between consenting, sophisticated adults is a tough question.

Among their many failings, the regulators allowed lenders to make a fundamental mistake: To lend not against the borrower’s cash flow and income, but instead to lend against the seemingly inexorable increase in the value of the collateral. Mortgages were made to people who couldn’t afford the payments because the lender (or investor) figured that if the borrower defaulted, the house would always be worth more than the loan.

Then there are the rating agencies. The flaws of rating agencies are a melange of conflicts of interest, misleading grading systems that classified complex securities as if they were much like simple corporate bonds and a backward-looking approach that proved particularly useless. They were the enablers. They are atoning and changing their ways, as they should. Their business model will change; government oversight will be strengthened.

But investors who relied on the rating agencies are at fault, too. Rating firms became a crutch for investors who simply didn’t want to spend the time and money required to be prudent investors at a time when low interest rates had everyone reaching for higher returns without contemplating the higher risks.

A little “back to basics” in banking and investing would go a substantial way toward avoiding a repeat of the Panic of 2008.


1)今后一个时期将是国际风云变幻、挑战与机遇并存的年代,我们要以更强的使命感和紧 迫感来利用机遇,按照平等互利的原则,进一步扩大对外经济贸易的交流与合作。在出口方 面,不仅要努力增加出口商品的数量,更要把工作重点放在提高出口商品质量和改善出口商 品的结构上,要坚持“以质量和信誉取胜”的方针,把出口优质商品看作我们国家和民族的 荣誉,把出口劣质商品看作我们国家和民族的耻辱,以“一丝不苟,精益求精”的态度对待 出口商品质量,提高中国商品在国际市场上的信誉和竞争力。

2)在过去的二十年里,有将近50万的中国知识分子去了西方国家,特别是美国。据说上 海在外国的音乐家足以组成一个世界一流的交响乐团。在科技界、医学界和体育界,同样存 在相同的情况。中国知识分子移居国外是因为他们认为在国内不能充分发挥自己的才能。由 于各种各样的原因,他们常常感到心情压抑,事业受挫。这种情况相当糟糕。曾一度由于一 批又一批的人才流向国外,我们的人才发生严重短缺。这种情况一直到最近才有所改变。因 为政府做出了努力,从社会尊重和经济待遇上提高知识分子的地位。



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