一、Phrases translation: (60 points)
1. EC
2. Combined transport
3. Optical fiber communication
4. Confucianism
5. Force majeure
6. Individually-owned enterprise
7. To beg off
8. Parent company
9. Independent foreign policy of peace
10.Asset management
11.Legal person shares
12.Standard Chartered Bank
14.Non-performing loan
9. 一份工资较低的工作
二、Paragraphs translation: (90 points)
1. Translate the following passage into Chinese:
The Literature of Knowledge and the Literature of Power
What is it that we mean by literature? Popularly, and amongst the thoughtless, it is held to include everything that is printed in a book. Little logic is required to disturb that definition. The most thoughtless person is easily made aware that in the idea of
literature one essential element is some relation to a general and common interest of man—so that what applies only to a local, or professional, or merely personal interest, even though presenting itself in the shape of a book, will not belong to Literature. So far the definition is easily narrowed; and it is as easily expanded. For not only is much that takes a station in books not literature; but inversely, much that really is literature never reaches a station in books. The weekly sermons of Christendom, that vast pulpit literature which acts so extensively upon the popular mind—to warn, to uphold, to renew, to comfort, to alarm—does not attain the sanctuary of libraries in the ten-thousandth part of its extent. The Drama again—as, for instance, the finest of Shakespeare’s plays in England, and all leading Athenian plays in the noontide of the Attic stage—operated as a literature on the public mind, and were (according to the strictest letter of that term) published through the audiences that witnessed their representation some time before they were published as things to be read; and they were published in this scenical mode of publication with much more effect than they could have had as books during ages of costly copying or of costly printing.
2. Translate the following passage into English :
我坚信做一个好的倾听者是相当重要的。尽管比起10年前,我己成为一个不错 的倾听者,但我还得承认我不过是个仅仅够格的倾听者。
真正的倾听不仅仅是改掉在人家说话时或快要说完时打断人家的不良习惯,真 正的倾听应该是乐于倾听对方的全部思想,而不是不耐烦地等待你应答的机会。从 某些意义上说,我们不善于倾听,就反映了我们的生活方式。我们经常视交流为一 种接力赛,好像我们的努力方向便是在我们的交谈对象说完他的话和我们张口说话 之间不留时间。我夫人和我最近在一家咖啡馆吃午饭时,偷听周围人的交谈。我们 的感觉是似乎没有人真正在听对方说话;相反他们在轮流不听对方说话。我问我夫 人是否我也是这样。她微微一笑说,“只是有时。”
放慢你应答的节奏去做更好的倾听者,能够帮助你成为一个更为心平气和的人, 能够帮助你摆脱压力。如果你好好想一想,你便能悟出:坐在椅边竭力去猜测你面 前的人(或电话线那端的人)将要说什么,你好噼里啪啦地回应一番话,要花费你很大 的精力,也是很令人紧张的事。但是你边等与之交流的人把话说完,边专注于对方 所说的内容,你就会发现压力没有了。
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