Part A. Terminology and Phrase Translation
Section One: Translate the following translation-related terms into Chinese, (20 points)
1. bailout:紧急救助
2. Ground Zero:“爆心投影点”组织
3. clean energy :清洁能源
4. administrative transparency:政务透明
5. healthcare reform package:医改方案
6. Comfortable Housing Project:安居工程
7. proactive fiscal policy:积极的财政政策
8. home appliances going to the countryside:家电下乡
9. administrative accountability:行政问责制
10. disaster relief:赈灾;灾难援助
11. top legislative body:最高立法机关
12. defense expenditure:国防支出;国防开支
13. rural left-behind population:农村留守人口
14. minimum living standard:最低生活标准;低保
15. Pursue a realistic and pragmatic approach:实事求是
16. capacity for independent innovation:自主创新能力
17. the non-public sector of the economy:非公有制经济
18. the system of basic living allowances for urban and rural residents:城乡居民基本生活保障制度
19. the campaign to educate Party members in preserving / to retain their vanguard nature:保持党员先进性教育活动
20. the imbalance between urban and rural areas:城乡发展不平衡
Section Two: Translate the following terms ofphrases into English. (20 points)
21. 国有企业:state-owned enterprise
22. 基本医疗体制:basic medicine system
23. 扩大内需:expand domestic demand
24. 政府工作报告:Report on the Work of the Government
25. 基本医疗保险:basic medical insurance
26. 全球变暖:global warming
27. 社会福利制度:social welfare system
28. 三险一金:three insurances(endowment insurance,medical insurance,and unemployment insurance) and one fund(housing provident fund)
29. 气候变化:climate change
30. 开幕式致辞:opening speech
31. 党内民主:inner-party democracy
32. 改革攻坚:further reform in difficult areas
33. 脱离实际、急于求成:unrealistic pursuit of quick results
34. 诚信缺失:lack of credibility
35. 和而不同:harmony in diversity
36. 科学发展观:Scientific Outlook on Development
37. 文化市场:Cultural market
38. 文化扶贫计划:Culture-aid Program
39.事业编制:staffing of government affiliated institutions
40.国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要:the National Program for Long- and Medium-Term Scientific and Technological Development
Part B Translation between English and Chinese.
Section One: Translate the underlined sentences into Chinese, (60 points)
In the United States, imports have dropped by half in the past couple of years. Domestic production is up, and consumption is down. (41) The administration uses this improvemment to buttress its case for dissolving the Energy Department But the appearance of less vulnerability to supply interruptions is deceptive and dangerous.
Some important changes in U-S. energy use have occurred. (42) The price of oil has been decontrolled. the strategic petroleum reserve is finally being filled, industry is using energy much more efficiently and the gas gmrzler is an endangered species. But the price of natural gas is still artificially low, consumers still have no reliable source of help for reducing energy use in their homes, mass transit compared with of other advanced nations is terrible, and the lack of a substantial gasoline tax keep that unchanged.
Nevertheless, the Reagan administration argues that higher energy prices have led to enengy conservation and that there is therefore no reason for further federal support of research and other conservation programs. But the real issue is how much of what would be economically beneficiai is not happoiing, and will not happen, under current policies. (43) Do most types of energy use~technoloeies for supply and distribution, consumer information, manufacturing processes and the rest-reflect the reality of expensive energy or the history of cheap energy? The answer varies bv sector. Large businesses with access to expertise and capital have adjusted well. Most other sectors have not In residential and commercial buildings, which consume a quarter of all the energy used m Airerica. ontv a tiny fraction of the economically desirable savings is being captured.
(44) In short a good beginning has been made, but it is only a beginning. To abandon conservation programs and dismantle research efforts now is to save small amounts of fedwal dollars at a very large longer-range cost to the economy. And hopeful talk about the end of the energy crisis ignores the painfal lessons of the past decade.
Section Two: Chinese to English Translation. (50 paints)
我把那封信寄了出去,急切地等待着她的答复。但是,她的答复始终没有等到, 我的急切变成了失望,失望变成了无奈,最后,无奈变成了平静。我想那封信未必到了母亲的手 里。我只知道,写过那封信.我就可以还母亲以她本来的面目了。在她生命的最后15年里,我们按 照她的方式保持了一种轻松、亲密、愉快的关系。
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