
I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviartions or terminology into their target language respectively.  (30′)

1.EU: 欧盟(European Union)

2. FAO: 联合国粮食与农业组织(Food and Agriculture Organization)

3.L/C : 信用证 (Letter of Credit) 

4.OECD: 经济合作与发展组织 (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development )

5. POD: 货到付款 (pay on delivery)

6.WTO: 世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization)

7. NASA 美国航空航天局(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)

8. OPEC 石油输出国组织(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)

9. UNESCO: 联合国教科文组织(United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization)

10. account balance : 帐户结余; 帐户余额

11. automated teller machine: 自动出纳机; 自动柜员机;自动取款机(Automated Teller Machine)

12. checks and balances: 制衡;三权分立;权力制衡

13. installment plan: 分期付款

14. most-favored nation treatment: 最惠国待遇

15. bonded goods: 保税货物

16. 报关: make a customs declaration; customs declaration(清关 customs clearance)

17. 恶性循环: vicious circle; vicious cycle

18. 节能: energy conservation; energy-saving

19. 贸易顺差 trade surplus; favorable balance of trade

20. 优惠关税: preferential duty

21. 购贷合同 : mortgage loans

22. 安检 security check

23. 战略伙伴关系: strategic partnership

24. 安理会常任理事国: permanent member of the UN security council

25. 关贸总协定: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

26. 自负盈亏: be responsible for one’s own losses and profits; responsibility for one’s own profits and losses

27. 政企分开: separate government functions from enterprise management; separation of enterprise management from government functions

28. 液晶显示器: Liquid Crystal Display(LCD)

29. 载人航天计划: manned space program

30. 外向型经济: export-oriented economy

II. Directions: Translate the following two source texts into their target language respectively. (120 ‘)

Source Text 1:

There are roughly three New Yorks. There is, first, the New York of the man or woman who was born here, who takes the city for granted and accepts its size and its turbulence as natural and inevitable. Second, there is the New York of the commuter — the city that is devoured by locusts each day and spat out each night. Third, there is the New York of the person who was born somewhere else and came to New York in quest of something. Of these three trembling cities the greatest is the last — the city of final destination, the city that is a goal.It is this third city that accounts for New York’s high-strung disposition,its poetical deportment, its dedication to the arts, and its incomparable achievements. Commuters give the city its tidal restlessness, natives give it solidarity and continuity, but the settlers give it passion. And whether it is a farmer arriving from Italy to set up a small grocery store in a slum, or a young girl arriving from a small town in Mississippi to escape the indignity of being observed by her neighbors, or a boy arriving from the Corn Belt with a manuscript in his suitcase and a pain in his heart, it makes no difference: each embraces New York with the intense excitement of first love, each absorbs New York with the fresh eyes of an adventurer, each generates heat and light to dwarf the Consolidated Edison Company. The commuter is the queerest bird of all. The suburb he inhabits has no essential vitality of its own and is mere roost where he comes at day’s end to go to sleep. (280words) [选自The Three New Yorks(三个纽约) -埃尔文·布鲁克斯·怀特 Mtizt.com注]

参考译文:纽约人大体上有三类。第一类是指土生土长的纽约人,他们对纽约早已习以为常,也习惯了纽 约巨大规模,认为喧嚣的生活是不可避免的;第二类是指纽约上班族,每天早上比肩接踵的涌 入纽约,晚上又都形色匆忙的回家;第三类是指在其他城市出生但来纽约寻找机会的人。在这 三类躁动不安的纽约人中,最伟大的要数最后一个,纽约是他们最终的目的地,是他们奋斗的 目标,也正是因为这第三类人,纽约才拥有高度紧张的节奏、优雅的举止、为艺术献身的精神 和无法比拟的成就。上班族给纽约带来了繁忙,就像潮汐般永无停歇,本地人维系了纽约的长 久和团结,而外来定居者则赋予了纽约激情。不管你是从意大利来在贫民区开小杂货店的农场 主, 还是从密西西比的小城镇逃出来不想被邻居欺负的姑娘,或是一个从玉米带地区来拎着手 稿但内心充满悲伤的小伙儿,来到纽约,就像拥抱初恋情人一样,每个人都兴奋不已,每个人 用冒险家新奇的目光注视着纽约, 每个人身上发出的光和热, 就连爱迪生联合公司都相形见绌。 上班族是最为古怪的一类人,他们住的郊区本没有的生机,那只是他们每天天晚的时候回去睡 觉的地方而已。

Source Text 2:

中国是一个人口众多、历史悠久的国家。它是灿烂的古代文明的发祥地,为人类的进步做出了 重大贡献。从 19 世纪中叶起,中国逐步沦为一个贫穷落后的半殖民地、半封建社会。中华民 族为维护国家独立、 主权和统一, 实现民族振兴, 进行了长期不屈不挠的斗争, 终于在 1949 年 取得了胜利, 建立了中华人民共和国。现在中国人民正沿着建设有中国特色的社会主义道路昂 首阔步前进,集中精力致力于经济发展和人民生活水平的提高。中国人民一贯热爱和平,渴望 发展,愿意同世界各国人民发展友好合作关系,坚定不移地奉行独立自主的和平外交政策。(243words)(选自江泽民在联合国演讲稿 英汉对照地址:http://dwz.cn/wfr03 Mtizt.com注)

参考译文1:China is a populous country with a time-honored history. It is home of a splendid ancient civilization and a major contributor to human progress. Starting from the mid-19th century, China was reduced to a semi-colonial and semi –feudal society, increasingly impoverished and backward. The Chinese people waged a protracted and unyielding struggle to uphold the independence, sovereignty and unification of their country and to realize its rejuvenation, which culminated in the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. Right now, the Chinese people are advancing with confident strides on the road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, concentrating their energy on economic development and improvement of their living standards. Loving peace and desiring development, the Chinese people are willing to cultivate friendly relations and cooperation with the people in the rest of the world and steadfastly pursue an independent foreign policy of peace.

参考译文2:China is a country with a long history and a large population. It was the cradle of a splendid ancient th civilization and made significant contributions to the progress of humanity. China was gradually reduced to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society from the middle of the 19 century. The Chinese nation struggled unyieldingly for a long time for the national independence,sovereignty and unification and finally succeed in establishing the People’s Republic of China. Nowadays, the Chinese people are making great stride ahead on the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, concentrating on the economic development and improvement of people’s living standards. The Chinese are always loving peace and eager for development. We are willing to develop friendly cooperation with countries around the world and adhere to an independent foreign policy of peace.


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