

UCLA: 加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California Los Angeles)

infortainment: 信息娱乐化 (由information和entertainment两个单词组合而成,意为“新闻娱乐化”)

the “Mathew Effect”: 马太效应  

European monetary integration: 欧洲货币一体化

China Rose: 月季花;中国玫瑰

IAEA: 国际原子能机构(International Atomic Energy Agency)

sock puppet: 马甲

honor system:荣誉制度

forewarned is forearmed:有备无患;凡事预则立

write unsolicited testimonials: 主动写推荐信/介绍信/证明书

vital statistics: 生命统计,人口动态统计(显示一国出生和死亡的人口数字)

concept album: 概念专辑,主题唱片(有同一主题的流行音乐)

scale back production:减产

possible repercussions of our actions:我们的行动可能产生的影响

小道消息:  grapevine(原意为葡萄树、葡萄藤,现在常用来表示秘密或谣言等不胫而走 by the grapevine-通过小道消息得来)

种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆:to reap what one sows;As a man sows, so he shall reap.

次贷危机:subprime (mortgage) crisis

《三国演义》:The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

海宝: HaiBao (上海世博会吉祥物海宝)

闪婚: flash marriage

《不见不散》: Be There or Be Square

摆架子: put on airs; assume great airs

上海五国第九次峰会: the sixth summit of “Shanghai Five” ; Shanghai Five countries summit conference

保兑银行: confirming bank

本命年: this animal year of sb; year of fate; birth year; big year; Black Snow (同名电影)

补缺选举: by-election; supplementary election

不以物喜,不以己悲: not pleased by external gains,not saddened by personnal losses

布达拉宫: the Potala Palace

《论语》: The Analects of Confucius


Text A

I had always assumed a broken heart was just a metaphor, a cliche of country music and romance novels. So I was as surprised as anyone to learn last week that doctors now consider it a real medical event, one that can kill.

The news comes from a report published in the New England Journal of Medicine,in which physicians at Johns Hopkins described a group of 18 mostly older women and one man who developed serious heart problems after experiencing a sudden emotional shock, such as the death of a loved one, or, in the case of one 60-year-old woman, a surprise birthday party.

What surprised the doctors who examined these patients was that none of them had actually suffered a heart attack. Indeed, few had any signs of heart disease at all. Yet at least five of the 19—and perhaps morewould have died without treatment, according to Dr. Ilan Wittstein, the cardiologist who led the study. (双语原文地址: http://dwz.cn/umiAY Mtizt.com注)

参考译文: 我本来一直以为心碎只是一种比喻,是乡村音乐和浪漫的爱情小说惯用的手法。所以当我上周得知,医生们现在认为心碎真的是一个医学问题,一个能致人死亡的问题时,我感到无比吃惊。


Resource efficiency means reducing the environmental impact of the consumption and production of goods and services. The “doing more with less” slogan indicates the focus on more outputs with fewer impacts. Efficiency gains do not guarantee that the overall outcome stays within the ecological canting capacity of the Earth. Influencing the demand side is therefore another prerequisite for sustainable development.

It is indeed timely to recognize that the world cannot achieve sustainable economic growth with old fashioned consumption land production patterns. Companies will have to accelerate the trends of polluting less and of designing, producing and marketing better products and services. Consumers have to get used to the fact that environmental concerns are as important in their daily choices as considerations of price, convenience and quality. And governments and civil society have a key role to play in inspiring such a process.


创新是欢乐谷成功的秘诀,发展的灵魂。结合欢乐谷自身的特性,以及未来全球化竞争的 发展趋势,欢乐谷人强烈地意识到,引领企业长足发展的战略观就是核心竞争力的持续培养。

因此,企业文化倡导的“领导力”、“品牌创新力”和“特色服务力”这三大核心竞争力 成为企业的经营之道。2003年,欢乐谷实施了第一个“三年形象工程”,将“对外树立品牌, 对内提升服务”作为年度工作重点,并以此达到不断提升欢乐谷核心竞争力的目的。


1915年张裕带四款产品代表中国葡萄酒业参加了世博会。1931年张裕酿出了中国人自己 的干红葡萄酒。如今,张裕在中国六大优质葡萄产区拥有17 000公顷的葡萄园,提供新鲜、 天然、成熟的葡萄。张裕拥有全球最先进的酿酒设备和技术,在国内六大酒庄拥有世界一流的 酿酒师团队。融合国际资本和技术,张裕还在法国、意大利和新西兰与当地酒庄组成国际酒庄联盟。

厦门大学2010-2014年MTI真题下载: 百度云

真题来自互联网  词语翻译答案由Mtizt.com提供


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