
I. Translate the following terms into Chinese: (15ps)

1. Diesel oil:柴油

2. border fence: 边境铁丝网; 边界栅栏;边境隔离墙

3. odd number: 奇数; 单数  

4. lyrical poem: 抒情诗

5. cognitive psychology: 认知心理学

6. UNESCO:联合国教科文组织(United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization

7. WTO:世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization)

8. A Midsummer Night’s Dream:仲夏夜之梦

9. Trade show:贸易展览;商展

10. environmental justice:环境公正;环境公义

11. inverse translation:逆向翻译

12. CIF:到岸价(Cost Insurance and Freight)

13. Black Europe:黑欧洲

14. symphony orchestra:交响乐团

15. Armistice Day:休战纪念日;停战日

II. Translate the following terms into English: (15ps)

1. 东盟:ASEAN (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations)

2. 残奥会:Paralympic Games

3. 廉租房:low rent housing

4. 钓鱼岛:Diaoyu Island

5. 公务用车:government car; Official cars

6. 不可抗力:force majeure

7. 论文答辩:thesis defense

8. 再生能源:renewable energy

9. 人均排放:per capita emissions

10. 实体经济:the real economy ; substantial economy

11. 第三产业:tertiary industry

12. 包容性增长:inclusive growth

13. 野生动物园:safari park; wildlife park


15.《与台湾关系法》(美国):The Taiwan Relations Act

III. Translate the underlined part into Chinese: (60ps)

And then we have Major Weir; for although even his house is now demolished, old Edinburgh cannot clear herself of his unholy memory. He and his sister lived together in an odour of sour piety. She was a marvellous spinster; he had a rare gift of supplication, and was known among devout admirers by the name of Angelical Thomas. ‘He was a tall, black man, and ordinarily looked down to the ground; a grim countenance, and a big nose. His garb was still a cloak, and somewhat dark, and he never went without his staff.’ How it came about that Angelical Thomas was burned in company with his staff, and his sister in gentler manner hanged, and whether these two were simply religious maniacs of the more furious order, or had real as well as imaginary sins upon their old-world shoulders, are points happily beyond the reach of our intention. At least, it is suitable enough that out of this superstitious city some such example should have been put forth: the outcome and fine flower of dark and vehement religion. And at least the facts struck the public fancy and brought forth a remarkable family of myths. It would appear that the Major’s staff went upon his errands, and even ran before him with a lantern on dark nights. Gigantic females, ‘stentoriously laughing and gaping with tehees of laughter’ at unseasonable hours of night and morning, haunted the purlieus of his abode. His house fell under such a load of infamy that no one dared to sleep in it, until municipal improvement levelled the structure to the ground. And my father has often been told in the nursery how the devil’s coach, drawn by six coal-black horses with fiery eyes, would drive at night into the West Bow, and belated people might see the dead Major through the glasses.

Another legend is that of the two maiden sisters. A legend I am afraid it may be, in the most discreditable meaning of the term; or perhaps something worse – a mere yesterday’s fiction. But it is a story of some vitality, and is worthy of a place in the Edinburgh kalendar. This pair inhabited a single room; from the facts, it must have been double-bedded; and it may have been of some dimensions: but when all is said, it was a single room. Here our two spinsters fell out – on some point of controversial divinity belike: but fell out so bitterly that there was never a word spoken between them, black or white, from that day forward. You would have thought they would separate: but no; whether from lack of means, or the Scottish fear of scandal, they continued to keep house together where they were. A chalk line drawn upon the floor separated their two domains; it bisected the doorway and the fireplace, so that each could go out and in, and do her cooking, without violating the territory of the other. So, for years, they coexisted in a hateful silence; their meals, their ablutions, their friendly visitors, exposed to an unfriendly scrutiny; and at night, in the dark watches, each could hear the breathing of her enemy. Never did four walls look down upon an uglier spectacle than these sisters rivalling in unsisterliness. Here is a canvas for Hawthorne to have turned into a cabinet picture – he had a Puritanic vein, which would have fitted him to treat this Puritanic horror; he could have shown them to us in their sicknesses and at their hideous twin devotions, thumbing a pair of great Bibles, or praying aloud for each other’s penitence with marrowy emphasis; now each, with kilted petticoat, at her own corner of the fire on some tempestuous evening; now sitting each at her window, looking out upon the summer landscape sloping far below them towards the firth, and the field-paths where they had wandered hand in hand; or, as age and infirmity grew upon them and prolonged their toilettes, and their hands began to tremble and their heads to nod involuntarily, growing only the more steeled in enmity with years; until one fine day, at a word, a look, a visit, or the approach of death, their hearts would melt and the chalk boundary be overstepped for ever.

Alas! to those who know the ecclesiastical history of the race – the most perverse and melancholy in man’s annals – this will seem only a figure of much that is typical of Scotland and her high-seated capital above the Forth – a figure so grimly realistic that it may pass with strangers for a caricature.


IV. Translate the following part into English: (60ps)

比起菜谱和京戏,同样不易翻译的还有时下的“套话”。在宁波的一间中国公司做事的法国人讲了个套话的例子:这家公司成功地为一家造船厂引进了一套机械设备,在庆功宴上,中方领导致辞:“在局领导的亲切关怀下,在公司领导亲自指挥下……” 外国师工程师听了翻译的内界十分不解,私下里抱怨说:“你们领导说谎,指挥安装调试是我。 公司领导只来过一次,局领导根本没露过面。中国员工解释说:“中国的事情最好都要和领导挂上钩,这是规矩。” 这位洋人在一次事故分析会上,学起了中国的规矩,发言时用了这样的开场白:”在领导的亲切关怀下,在公司领导的亲口指挥下……”全场愕然。

做过多年驻外大使的外交子学院院长吴建民先生举过一个例子:谈到中围的改革开放,我们 用“全方位,宽领域,多渠道”来描述。这些内容如果按照字面意思翻译成英文,外国人理解起来就有闲难。吴先生说:“中国的话语体系西方人不太懂,所以要用他们能接受的表达方式才能够沟通。 ’’ 菜谱也好、京剧也罢,套话也好,语言的问题通常不在于语言本身,而在于文化差异。



真题来自互联网 短语翻译答案由mtizt.com提供


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