
扬州大学 2016年翻译硕士MTI真题及答案

I. Translate the following items (including terms, abbreviations and proper nouns) into Chinese. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points, 1 point each)

1.    alternate driving:单双号限行

2.    food court:美食广场;美食街

3.    gene therapy:基因疗法  继续阅读 扬州大学 2016年翻译硕士MTI真题及答案


 I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively.(30 points)

1. CPPCC:中国人民政治协商会议(Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference)

2. ASEAN: 东南亚国家联盟(东盟)(Association of Southeast Asian Nations)

3. UESTC:电子科技大学(University of Electronic Science and Technology of China) 继续阅读 电子科技大学2016年翻译硕士MTI真题及答案


Part A Terminology and phrase translation

Section One: Translate the following translation-related terms into Chinese (15 points, 1 point each)

WHO:世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)

IOC:国际奥委会(International Olympic Committee)

IPR:知识产权(intellectual property rights)
继续阅读 北京交通大学2014年翻译硕士MTI真题及答案


I. Directions: Translate the following words, phrases,abbreviations or idioms into their target language respectively. There are altogether 30 items in this part of the test,15 in English and 15 in Chinese,with one point for each. (30‘)

1. the Oriental and Occidental languages

2. a transnational corporation based in New York

3. Red Star Over China 继续阅读 大连海事大学2013年翻译硕士MTI真题与答案


I. Directions: Translate the following words, phrases, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. There are altogether 30 items in this part of the test, 15 in English and 15 in Chinese, with one point for each. (30’)

1, Pride and Prejudice

2. criteria of translation

3.  Financial Times 继续阅读 大连海事大学2012年翻译硕士MTI真题与答案


I. Directions: Translate the following words, phrases, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. There are altogether 30 items in this part of the test, 15 in English and 15 in Chinese, with one point for each. (30’)

1. liberal translation

2.MT .

3. foreignizalion 继续阅读 大连海事大学2011年翻译硕士MTI真题与答案