
I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into Chinese.  (15’)

1) secretary-general

2) Ex works

3) AIDS 

4) Xerox

5) GPS

6) L/C


8) joint venture

9) literary translation

10) free translation

11) capital punishment

12) non-aligned nation

13) consulate-general

14) force majeure

15) curriculum vitae (CV )

II. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into English. There are altogether 15 items in this part of the test, with one point for each. (15’)
















III. Directions: Translate the underlined part into Chinese. (60’)

The Dumbest Generation

Mark Bauerlein

The world delivers facts and events and art and ideas as never before, but the young American’s mind hasn’t opened. Young Annericans’vices have diminished, one must acknowledge, as teens and young adults harbor fewer stereotypes and social prejudices. Also, they regard their parents more highly than they did 25 years ago. They volunteer in strong numbers, and rates of risky behaviors are dropping. Overall conduct trends are moving upward, leading a hard-edged commentator such as Kay Hymowits (凯.海莫威茨)to announce in “Its Morning After in America,(2004) that “pragmatic Americans have seen the damage that their decades-long fling with the sexual revolution and the transvaluation of traditional values wrought. And now, without giving up the real gains,they are earnestly knitting up their unraveled culture. It is a moment of tremendous promise,” At TechCentralStation.com,James Glassman(詹姆斯.格拉斯曼)agreed enough to proclaim, “Good News! The Kids Are Alright!” Youth watchers William Strauss(威廉.斯特劳斯)and. Neil Howe.(尼尔.豪)were .confident enough to subtitle their book on young Americans The Next Great Generation (2000).

And why shouldn’t they? Teenagers and young adults mingle in a society of abundance, intellectual as well as material. American youth in the twenty-first century have benefited from a shower of money and goods, a bath of liberties and pleasing self-images, vibrant civic debates, political blogs, old books and masterpieces available online, traveling exhibitions, the History Channel, news feeds… and on and on. Never have opportunities for education, learning, political action, and cultural activity been greater. All the ingredients for making an informed and intelligent citizen are in place.

But it hasn’t happened. Yes, voung American are energetic, ambitious, enterprising, and good, but their talents and interests and money thrust them not into books and ideas and history and civics, but into a whole other realm and other consciousness. A different social life and a different mental life have formed among them. Technology have bred it. but the results doesn’t tally with the fulsome descriptions of digital empowerment, global awareness, and virtual communities. Instead of opening voung American minds to the stores of civilization and science and politics, technology has contracted their horizon to themselves, to the social scene around them. Young people have never been so intensely mindful of and present to one another, so enabled in adolescent contact. Teen images and songs, hot gossip and games, and vouth-to-vouth communications no longer limited bv time or space wrap them up in a generational cocoon reaching all the wav into their bedrooms. The autonomy has a cost: the

more they attend to themselves, the less they remember the past and envision a future. They have all the advantages of modernity and democracy, but when the gifts of life lead to social iovs. not intellectual labor, the minds of the voung plateau at age of 18. This is happening all around us. The fonts of knowledge are everywhere, but the rising generation is camped in the desert, passing stories, pictures, tunes, and text back and forth, living off the thrill of peer attention. Meanwhile, their intellects refuse the cultural and civic inheritance that has made us what we are up to now. (262 words)

IV. Directions: Translate the following into English. (60’)

在当今激烈竟争的世界上,只有以质取胜和改善售前售后服务才能行得通。要努力生产适销对路的名特优新产品和“举头”产品打入国际市场。由于市场形势千变万化, 出口产品必须不断地更新换代,做到你无我有,你有我优,胜人一筹。

耍全方位地开拓国际市场,市场多元化是立于不败之地的关键。俗话说:“不能在一 棵树上吊死。”在选择新辟市场时耍权衡其风险与机会,并且要反应迅速;要随时跟踪市场变化情况,以便选择有利时机和地点抓紧出口。只有那些富有活力、洞察力和应变力 的企业才能在市场景气时大显身手,而在市场萧条时也能站稳脚跟。当某些市场疲软时, 总还有另一些市场坚挺,所以能够做到“东方不亮西方亮”。(285字)



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