
I. Translate the following terms into Chinese: (15ps)

1. MLA:(美国)现代语言协会

2. Gild the lily:多此一举、画蛇添足

3. Milieu therapy:[临床医学]环境疗法 

4. Put on the new man:[宗教]改邪归正皈依基督教

5. Hills Like White Elephants:《白象似的群山》

6. Tatooing:刺青、纹身

7. CPPCC:中国人民政协会议 Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference

8. CD: 激光唱片

9. Concerto:[音乐]协奏曲

10. Act of God:上帝的旨意、天意、不可抗力


II. Translate the following terms into English: (15ps)

1. 反对派: The opposition

2. 当选总统: Be elected president

3. 司法改革: Judicial Reform

4. 钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿:The Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands

5. 老龄事业:the issue of aging; the undertakings for the aged

6.中国XXX第十八届代表大会:the 18th CPC National Congress

7.小康社会:A moderately prosperous society

8.中非合作论坛:CACF (China-Africa Cooperation Forum)

9.业内拆借:Inter-bank loan

10.包容性增长:Inclusive growth

11.循环经济:Recycling Economy

12.可再生能源:Renewable Energy Resources

III. Translate the following part into English Chinese: (60ps)

Fanny, having been sent into the village on some errand by her aunt Norris, was overtaken by a heavy shower close to the Parsonage; and being descried from one of the windows endeavoring to find shelter under the branches and lingering leaves of an oak just beyond their premises, was forced, though not without some modest reluctance on her part, to come in. A civil servant she had withstood; but when Dr. Grant himself went out with an umbrella, there was nothing to be done but to be very much ashamed, and to get into the house as fast as possible; and to poor Miss Crawford, who had just been contemplating the dismal rain in a very desponding state of mind, sighing over the ruin of all her plan of exercise for that morning, and of every chance of seeing a single creature beyond themselves for the next twenty-four hours, the sound of a little bustle at the front door, and the sight of Miss Price dripping with wet in the vestibule, was delightful. The value of an event on a wet day in the country was most forcibly brought before her. She was all alive again directly, and among the most active in being useful to Fanny, in detecting her to be wetter than she would at first allow, and providing her with dry clothes; and Fanny, after being obliged to submit to all this attention, and to being assisted and waited on by mistresses and maids, being also obliged, on returning downstairs, to be fixed in their drawing-room for an hour while the rain continued, the blessing of something fresh to see and think of was thus extended to Miss Crawford, and might carry on her spirits to the period of dressing and dinner.(节选自《曼斯菲尔德庄园》第二十二章 翻译硕士真题网注)


III. Translate the following part into English: (60ps)

人生据说是一部大书。假使人生真是这样,那么,我们一大半作者只能算是书评家,具有书评家的本领,无须看得几页书,议论早已发了一大堆,书评一篇写完交卷。但是,世界上还有一种人。他们觉得看书的目的,并不是为了写批评或介绍。他们有一种业余消遣着的随便和从容,他们不慌不忙地浏览。每到有什么意见,他们随手在书边的空白上注几个字,写一个问号或感叹号,像中国旧书上的眉批,外国书里的marginalia。这种零星随感并非他们对于整部书的结论。因为是随时批识,先后也许彼此矛盾,说话过火。他们也懒得去理会,反正是消遣,不像书评家负有指导读者、教训作者的重大使命。(节选自钱钟书的《写在人生边上》 翻译硕士真题网注)



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