

I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively.

I. From English to Chinese: (15)

1 .Economic dynamics:动态经济学;经济调度

2. Nuclear proliferation:核扩散

3. International reserve currencies:国际储备货币 继续阅读 东北师范大学2013年翻译硕士MTI真题及答案


I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively.

IMF:国际货币基金组织(international monetary fund)


star-related hotel:星际酒店  继续阅读 东北师范大学2011年翻译硕士MTI真题及答案


Part I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminologies into their target language respectively.

Section 1 Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminologies into Chinese:

1. FOB (An abbreviation used in some international sales contracts)

2. B/L (An abbreviation used in maritime law)

3. HI (name ofone ofthe states ofthe United States) 继续阅读 华东政法大学2015年翻译硕士MTI真题及答案