
I. Phrase Translation

CPPCC:中国人民政治协商会议(Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference

ASEAN:东南亚国家联盟(Association of South East Asian Nations)

UNESCO:联合国教科文组织(United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization)

IMF:国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund)  继续阅读 重庆大学2011年翻译硕士(MTI)真题  


I. Phrase Translation

文化体制改革:cultural system reform;reform of the cultural system

民族凝聚力:national cohesion

文化兴国战略:the strategy of invigorating China through culture

做大做强新闻传媒产业:to make a healthy and powerful news media industry   继续阅读 华东师范大学2013年翻译硕士(MTI)真题