
Section 1 English-Chinese Translation (50 points)

Translate the following passage into Chinese.

The Republic of Ireland is a sovereign state in Western Europe, occupying about five-sixths of the island of Ireland. The capital and largest city is Dublin, whose metropolitan area is home to around a third of the country’s 4.6 million inhabitants. 继续阅读 CATTI英语笔译实务(3级)2015年11月考试真题及答案


I. Translate the following two passages into English (75 points):

1.  北国的槐树,也是一种能使人联想起秋来的点缀。像花而又不是花的那一种落蕊,早晨起来,会铺得满地。脚踏上去,声音也没有,气味也没有,只能感出一点点极微细极柔软的触觉。扫街在树影下一阵扫后,灰土上留下来的一条条扫帚的丝纹,看起来既觉得细腻,又觉得清闲,潜意识下并且还觉得有点儿落寞,古人所说的梧桐一叶而天下知秋的遥想,大约也就在这些深沉的地方。 继续阅读 宁波大学2015年翻译硕士MTI真题及答案