

Located about 30 minutes from Damascus airport, the Four Seasons Damascus is nestled in the heart of the city,a short cab ride away from the National Museum (filled with archaeological treasures) and the historically rich Old City. 继续阅读 北京外国语大学2010年硕士复语同声传译试题与答案


I. 将下列文章译成汉语(50分)

India and China need help to grow, not hectoring

Every time there is a spike in oil prices, or when food costs more, or there is a renewed worry about carbon and climate change, academics, pundits, and the press immediately point to the high-consumption future of India and China.  继续阅读 北京外国语大学2009年硕士研究生入学考试复语同声传译专业真题与答案